Yes it’s true.
What is Luggagitis you might ask? Well, it is the inability to be able to pack light when I travel. It’s a curse. I always seem to over pack, no matter where I go. Even if it’s just an overnight stay. I pack for any possible occasion that may arise – I make sure I have some kind of outfit/shoes/bag/underwear/jewellery to match , so that I am always prepared, but this ends up with my luggage overflowing, me stressing over weight restrictions and being charged at the airport – and no room for possible purchases on trips! It is stressful. I hate it!
I must admit, I am getting better over the years, not much, but I have made a slight improvement….so I am determined, for my upcoming trip, to break free of this disease and pack minimal, light and with only the bare essentials….no….really…I will! I have a plan……
It all starts with the shoes.
Shoes are the heaviest/bulkiest part of the packing. So I figure if I can narrow this part down, the others things should be easy! Right? It’s all about mixing and matching and, as we will be doing a LOT of walking, comfort. So I have narrowed it down to 4 pairs:
Black Sketchers
Black Boots
Black and Silver Sandals
Black Thongs (Flip Flops)
I figure black goes with everything, and it keeps all possible occasions covered. All these shoes are comfortable, the latter 2 are thin and light and will pack well and I will wear my boots on the plane…..leaving room to buy more on holiday (along with bags and hats – my downfall).
So that’s the shoes done – which pretty much means I can’t take any clothes that don’t go with these shoes! So the clothes plan – well that is going to be where, hopefully, the mix and match theory comes into play! I am going to try, like in the magazines, to take a small amount of items that can be mixed and matched to create a multiple amount of out fits – and will take up hardly any room in my suitcase. Throw in a jacket to cover possibly cool weather, and anything else I can buy on the trip. I guess the great thing about going to/from the US is the luggage allowance is so much better!
So, this is the plan to avoid another case of Luggagitis. Will it work? Will I be tearing my hair out? Will I actually be able to make a decision about what NOT to take ‘just in case I need it’, will I end up letting my husband pack for me? Stay tuned to find out…..the holiday is still 4 weeks away, but these are things I need to start planning now to avoid complete meltdown hours before boarding the plane!
Wish me luck!