Saturday, August 24, 2013


A friend shared this post on Facebook recently. Sometimes you just read random things and it's as if it has been written specifically for you. I'm sorry I don't have the name of the person to credit for writing this, but I thank my friend for sharing it at that particular time...

How do you walk away from an intense yet love filled relationship and know that you will not only survive, but you will blossom and reach new heights of happiness and expansion than ever before?

You do it following your flow...

You do it trusting that you are supported. Not only by the Universe, but by loved ones who know you and can be that other set of eyes when yours are too filled with tears to see straight and know where your next step will be...

You do it with love in your heart, even though it feels like it's breaking, with compassion for your partner and your family and with trust vibrating in every cell of your body that everything is going to be OK...

You do it by playing by your own rules.. Not the ones that say this needs to run a negative hurt-filled course...

And you do it holding on to who you are, even though you may be a dreamer... because a dreamer is who you are...

That's how this little Soul believe it can be done.

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