Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The West Wing

So, I have just finished watching all 7 seasons of what is possibly the best television show ever written - The West Wing. I could never do the show justice trying to describe how brilliant this piece is, how amazing the writers/creators/actors/Aaron Sorkin - are, but I am indebted to those that suggested I watch this show after I had finished my epic Will & Grace Marathon earlier in 2010.

Last night I watched the final 2 episodes - 'Institutional Memory' and 'Tomorrow', and whilst still in mourning, and not quite sure what I am going to do this evening as I have no more episodes left to watch, I thought I would take up the challenge by my friend Richard and share some of my highlights - both good and bad - from the series. For reference, here is Richard's blog:


I agree with most of these, but here are my own to throw into the mix, in no particular order - and certainly not everything as that would pretty much include the ENTIRE series!

*Spoiler Alert* - if you are currently watching TWW or plan to at some stage, you may not want to read on in case of major spoilers!


Any scene with Martin Sheen & Stockard Channing together - you don't get much better than that!

Donna & Josh finally sorting it out!

CJ & Danny finally sorting it out!

Scene between Sam & Mallory in Season 1 where it become apparent that the White House Deputy Communications Director has nothing to say about the White House or Roosevelt Room.

Season 7 - Josh recruiting Sam back to the White House as he did in the very beginning - I love parallels.

Episodes: Two Cathedrals, Shutdown, Access

Mallory giving President Bartlett the 'Bartlett for America' napkin back in the final episode.

CJ becoming Chief of Staff

Allison Janney

The genius that is - Martin Sheen

Stockard Channing being amazing and looking absolutely stunning - ALL OF THE TIME!

Sam writing '"the streets of Heaven are too crowded with angels tonight" in the car.

Bartlett rant at Dr. Jenna Jacobs over her opposition to homosexuality by quoting the Bible 'chapter and verse' : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHaVUjjH3EI

Bartlett rant at God in 'Two Cathedrals' : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FScv89J6rro

Storyline with Zoey being kidnapped and Bartlett stepping dow from the Presidency

Casting Alan Alda as Vinick

The entire cast

Season 2 flashbacks to the Bartlett for America campaign and everyones back grounds

Santos winning me over - it was touch and go for a while!

CJ and the Turkeys - Eric & Troy.

That President Bartlett calls her by her full name 'Claudia Jean'.

Donna & Danny both telling Josh & CJ to get a life and commit to a relationship.

Charlie throwing the kid from the Big Brother program against the wall and telling him to give CJ respect.

Season 1 finale.

Donna standing up to Josh and getting a new job - leaving him with a temp.

Donna becoming Chief of Staff to the First Lady.

The Plane.

All the 'protective father moments' with Bartlett.

'Live' debate between Vinick & Santos.

Abbey, Amy, Donna & CJ getting drunk at Abbey's birthday party.

Big Block of Cheese Day.

Danny coming back dressed as Santa.

Toby and his stress ball and how he reminds me of Eyore.

Mad TV Parody: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnxQk8C_-kE

John Spencer filming the opening scene of the Pilot episode (9 pages) in one take!


Will Bailey  - should have kept Danica McKellar around!

Sam leaving in Season 4.

Aaron Sorkin leaving in Season 4.

Mandy - not really a fan, I also think they should have actually had her written out of the show rather than just disappearing with no trace.

Mrs Landingham dying - NOT OK! Altho I get the reasoning for it, and I loved Lily Tomlin as her replacement - still not ok!

Leo dying - altho inevitable it still sucked.

Falling out between Leo and Jed and then the fight in 'The Birnam Wood'.

Fitzwallace dying - seriously? Was that necessary?

Josh being pushed out after his screw up.

CJ's body guard being shot - what's with all the death?

Andy turning down Toby after he bought her the house.

Bartlett needing a cane.

Margaret's unexplained pregnancy, then no mention of the baby again after she gave birth?

Richard making me choose only 1 favourite character - not fair!.......it was CJ.

Crying for the entire final episode.

Fear of never finding a show as good.


I am sure I will add to this over time, but this is a start :) So what are your thoughts? 


Richard Hyde said...

Well done! I see we share many common loved moments. The turkey episode reminds me of one of my two favourite exchanges:

C.J.: They sent me two turkeys. The more photo-friendly of the two gets a Presidential pardon and a full life at a children's zoo. The runner-up gets eaten.
President Bartlet: If the Oscars were like that, I'd watch.

(The other being:

President Josiah Bartlet: Sweden has a 100% literacy rate, Leo. 100%! How do they do that?
Leo McGarry: Well, maybe they don't and they also can't count.)

Sherry said...

I can't wait to eventually start again and discover/re-discover things I have missed!

CJ: Let me explain something to you. This is sort of my field. The people on these sites? They’re the cast of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. The muu-muu-wearing Parliament smoker? That’s Nurse Ratcched. When Nurse Ratched is unhappy, the patients are unhappy. You? You’re McMurphy. You swoop in with your card games and fishing trips -

Josh: I didn’t swoop in, I came in the exact same way everyone else did.

CJ: Well, now I’m telling you to open the wardroom window and climb on out before they give you a pre-frontal lobotomy and I have to smother you with a pillow.

Josh: [pause] You’re…?

CJ: [nodding] I’m Chief Brombden, yes, at this particular moment. I’m assigning an intern from the press office to that website. They’re going to check it every night before they go home. If they discover you’ve been there I’m going to shove a motherboard so far up your ass – What?

Josh: Technically, I outrank you…

CJ: So far up your ass!

Josh: Okay.

CJ: Okay.

Richard Hyde said...

That was on my list! The other great movie reference is:

Josh Lyman: You know what this is like? This is like The Godfather when Pacino tells James Caan that he's going to kill the cop. It's a lot like that scene only not really.

When Sam wants to tell the senator to shove his legislative agenda up his ass after Josh and Toby tell Sam the senator knows about Laurie/Brittany.

Anonymous said...

FYI - It's no where near as good, but Sorkins next show was Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. It cheered me mildly from my West Wing mourning after the series ended. Many of the same actors. I still watch old West Wing episodes when I'm on planes or don't feel well - like wrapping myself in a warm blanket...

Sherry said...

I have just started Studio 60 funnily enough! It is a nice transition - altho I know it only lasts for one season. TWW is definitely going to be my fall back series:)

Unknown said...

I watched this when it was on live TV. I have now watched it again. Loved it more the second time around. Mourning is worse! Any thoughts years later on what to watch next to help with this mourning process? I agreed with all your thoughts! Spot on!

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