Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Honeymoon Adventures

So, as was mentioned in my somewhat scarce blogs from last year, I was getting married....well now I am....married that is. So last year was a crazy, stressful, wonderful time spent planning and organising every last detail - of which there were many - and the day itself exceeded expectations, it really is the best day of your life. But, as wonderful as it was, it was also nice for all the stress and anxiety be over and to just be married:) Which just leaves us no with the fun part....planning the HONEYMOON! (oh yeah and spending the rest of our lives together.....)

I love planning holidays. Organising things is what I do well, and this is not exception! So where are we going you may ask? Well, after 8 years together (!) it turns out we have never actually had a proper holiday! Sure we have had the odd weekend away, but any major trip, longer than a week, has resulted in it being a work trip for either one of us with very little time to fully relax and enjoy. We have both wanted to explore the USA a bit more so.....America the Beautiful here we come!

It is currently 11 weeks and 4 days til we depart......not that I am counting or I imagine there will be a few blogs in the coming months tracking our planning/packing process as well as the trip itself! We will be gone just under 5 weeks and a trip like this definitely needs planning! For a bit of a teaser here will be some of our destinations:

San Francisco
Disneyland - it is a destination within itself!
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
New York

When I say I like organising holidays.....I really mean that. NO seriously! Itineraries and all, from monthly calendars, to daily itineraries (all colour coded), to our own travel 'booklets' rather than carrying around 5-6 Lonely Planet guides. Too much you might say? Maybe for some, but I figure if I am going to be somewhere for a short amount of time, I am going to make the most of it. I mean, not every minute of the trip is planned....really....REALLY! There are just some things you need to think about in advance so you are not walking around in some foreign city not really sure what to do or where to go! Luckily my Husband is happy to smile, say 'yes dear' and just go with the flow! So I look forward to updating you on the Honeymoon adventures that lay ahead - but needless to say I (we - well I am sure he will be at some point!) am very excited!! So stay tuned.......


Nu said...

Colour coded planning !!! Why not be organized ( american themed spelling). Take a photo of you guys like honeymooners or similar too lucielle ball she was amazing

ANN A said...

You will find that most husbands say yes dear! They find it easier that way!

Sherry said...

haha very true.....or like mine they say it to annoy me......:)

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